This blog was not made for me to focus on my writing or to improve my communications skills or anything like that. It's just me having a place to jot down my random, scrambled thoughts and upload a few of my photos.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I don't really have much to say tonight, just a bunch of random scattered thoughts floating around inside my crazy head. So I'll just make a note of those real quickly, then I'll upload several pictures, because I'm very happy with the pictures I took today.

Went job searching yesterday; applied at Dickey's Barbecue, Chick-fil-a, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and nosed around at Walgreens, CVS, and probably some other places that I can't remember. I'm glad I did, but honestly I hope that none of them hire me because I don't really want to work at any of them for a long time. =P I know, that's a horrible attitude to have.

Now I'm wondering what CVS stands for... google! "CVS" stands for "Convenience, Value and Service", but it used to stand for 'Consumer Value Stores'. Well. You learn something new everyday! Or at least I usually do.

Hmmm I have more thoughts than I initially thought I would. Oh well I'll get on with the pictures because now my thoughts are boring me. Nope, my blog has no real purpose. Rather pathetic, but I don't really care.

So I was mailing a letter and was inspired by it. I have some other really amazing pictures, but they have my friend's address on it and I'm not giving that to anyone. Those are for her enjoyment alone. :) Oh and I really love the ladybug pictures. I'm very pleased with the way they turned out.

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