This blog was not made for me to focus on my writing or to improve my communications skills or anything like that. It's just me having a place to jot down my random, scrambled thoughts and upload a few of my photos.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Higgledy Piggledy

Because it was funny and that's how my room and I feel right now.

I also feel like writing in all lower caps but that will bug me later, so I'm taking care of the caps right now. How responsible. Or stupid.

I'm soooooooo tired right now but I don't feel like going to bed yet. Why do I always feel that way? Yesterday I went to Six Flags with a bunch my friends, and I was very happy that I rode all the roller coasters (most of them multiple times), except for Judge Roy Scream, and that doesn't really count. We stayed from opening until closing and then I was up late last night, not being able to fall asleep because of all the vertigo. And today I had a calculator class all day, and that wiped my brain out.

I've decided that I get random and slightly irrational when I'm really tired. It's kind of funny.

One random thing about me; I really really really like brushing my teeth. I love the super clean feeling afterwards. It's lovely.

I hate trying to figure out my html coding when I mess up because I'm horrible at it.

"Cat Nap"

"It was more than a ring, however; it was an old key which looked as if it had been buried a long time."

Nobody's reading this stuff yet. I don't know if I care though, I don't even know if this is really worth reading. Oh well it may improve with time.


Unknown said...

HEY! I read it and it is good. :) So keep it up!

P.S. I love that picture of the key.... A LOT!

Meegan said...

Amy! I read your blog :] totally agree with Miss. Lauren <3
Keep writing!

Cassie Mae said...

Amy Amy Amy Amy I looooove the key and the greenish looking dirt. And I'm reading your blog too so there. =)