This blog was not made for me to focus on my writing or to improve my communications skills or anything like that. It's just me having a place to jot down my random, scrambled thoughts and upload a few of my photos.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Less Than Twelve

Why am I writing a new post less than twelve hours after publishing a post? I have no idea. Because it's fun I guess?

I want to go to the library. I need new books to read.

I also need to clean my room. When my room's a mess, my life's a mess. The messiness of my room dictates my mood. Yay. Oh well, since my sister Courtney's not here, I can blast some August Rush music and whirl around the room picking stuff up. Or not. Instead I'm just sitting here. I want to clean out my closet too, but it's Courtney's stuff that needs cleaning out, not mine. That's depressing. I like clean closets. I like clean everything.

Hmm I feel like going to target. I want to get some more bobby pins, and I really want to get a sock monkey and take pictures of it. Courtney has sock monkey slippers, but that's not the same.

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