This blog was not made for me to focus on my writing or to improve my communications skills or anything like that. It's just me having a place to jot down my random, scrambled thoughts and upload a few of my photos.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Editing, Editing, Editing

I love editing. It's sometimes more fun than taking the actual picture. I'm not quite sure how much I like my 365 for today, but here's the steps I took to make this picture.

This is the original. See? Not much focus, not great contrast or very good colors. I almost deleted it because it wasn't focused well at all. Butttt I figured I'd edit it a tad bit before I gave up on it completely.

Version numero dos, edited with my simple but wonderful iPhoto tools. Looks very, well, edited but I really liked the tone.

Then I decided I wanted to try something in Pixelmator with my picture. I tried some stuff, but then I decided that the window had got to go. So it went with Picnik.

I added a texture and a rainbow gradient, messed around for a looooooooong time with the opacity and layering effects, and this is what I got. So which picture do you like best? I think my favorite might be the second, but I can't decide.

Haha I just realized that this post and the previous one both have three repeating words as their titles. Way to be creative, Amy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I just think it is pretty amazing how you can edit the picture and take it from the original to the finished product. :-)